Monday, July 26, 2010

In all normality of the sake of things.

I would usually start this with some kind of creative title, but for now I'm at a lack.

I haven't updated this in over two months now, it seems. I guess that's just the way it is, perhaps.

Summer is pretty much almost over, which always brings that odd feeling with Autumn and then the cold taste of a Michigan Winter. I always hate those. By about January I get sick of the snow and I want it to be spring already.

Then the snow melts away by March, bringing over a new feeling of renewal and freshness, and then things start warming up again in May, bringing the well needed and missed warmth.
Then summer.
Then fall.
Then winter.
Repeat. Life goes on, babies are born, lives are changed, people die. That's just how things are. It doesn't matter, and looking at it through the glass can really make someone's life feel abysmal and painful.

You grow up with your friends, as children, innocently playing in the sandbox together and you enter school. You learn those jokes that make you giggle when you're 12, and then groan when you're 22. Your own friends start having children and you wonder if you should start settling down.
You approach fifty and you began to dawn back on all those memories, holding onto them before they slip out of your grip if you're the unlucky one cursed with Alzheimer's disease. Then you die. Life starts anew again. Life isn't easy no matter what way you cut it, but you can make the most of it.

Or, that's how my life was anyways. I lived next to a boy that I had known since I was three, and we played together. Then my cousin moved next door and the three of us played together on occasion. Usually it was me and her.
Then I moved away when I was 10 years old. It was depressing, leaving the house I grew up in, but being so young it didn't bother me as much and I moved on.

Turning 12 brought another move with my father, and we now live in the home we're currently at still.
I'm sixteen now. I wish we'd leave, but at the same time, I don't want to.

Ugh I am so tired from typing this. I get tired usually when I concentrate heavily.

Anyways, back on topic. Perhaps..... in our search for ourselves and what we need in life, we get lost. We take tours along the roads that offer us what we want, what we need, what we don't need, and the things we loathe. Heartbreak, pain, destruction, love, joy, emotion. It's all the same, in a simple-minded sense. No matter what way you turn someone, we are all people on the inside, with real human emotion and very real memories.

Whether them being the pain and misery of a broken childhood or an uncomfortable car conversation ( Yes, I am referencing someone here. She should get it, aha. ) we all have those moments that make us want to pull our hair out and stab someone or fall to our knees at the sheer feeling of happiness and miracles. It's life in it's heavy splendor, and its a mystery in the shining.

Now enough being overly poetic and cryptic, it's time to bid my farewells to you all and maybe I'll stop updating once in a blue moon, eh?

-- monday

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