Friday, May 21, 2010

And now, an intervention

Well, moreover, a shot in the face.

I just don't understand anything.
Why three weeks?

Oh, wait, let me backtrack.
January. Sometime In January, I've no idea.
I got asked out for the first time.
And it was a wonderful feeling, yes it was.

But three weeks later before our one month, it was cut off.
I look back at it with a vague sense of 'wow I was foolish' and such. I guess we all go through that with the first time.

Now, the second time..... more tastefully sinful, as I'll call it.
A girl.
Perhaps the only person I'll ever love in my life because I love that girl.
But, now, it's over.... again, three weeks.
Except it's two days before my birthday.

So, let's make a list of things.

One, never, ever, ever, ever, ever, evvvverrr date again.
Two, don't ever believe the 'it's not you it's me', because with me, it's always me. Always.

And maybe it's because I'm too childish or even too cliche over overly-romantic.
But..... hell, maybe I'm even overreacting.
Maybe I should be a big girl and toughen up.

Either way, maybe tomorrow will be a brighter day....

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